Immediate confirmation of CTS
The Mediracer® NCS device is the optimal solution for sensory and motor nerve conduction studies from peripheral nerves at point of care. Clinically proven and objective Mediracer diagnostic method is sensitive (94%) and specific (98%)¹.
is now selling in USA, UK, EU, KOREA, JAPAN, AUSTRALIA, UAE and more!
Electrodiagnostic solution for carpal tunnel syndrome assessment
For upper limb nerve conduction studies Mediracer® NCS medical device provides reliable, objective and prompt confirmation for the clinical diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). Mediracer NCS may be used also for Ulnar Nerve entrapment at the Elbow (UNE) studies.
Mediracer® NCS is reliable, cost-efficient, fast, and easy to use at point of care. CTS or UNE examination usually takes less than 10 minutes and is often performed by a physiotherapist or a nurse with the interpretation provided by a local doctor or remotely via Mediracer interpretation service. Median and ulnar nerve comparison study makes the method one of the most sensitive in carpal tunnel syndrome diagnostics², providing immediate indication and severity of the condition.
Mediracer® NCS solution
Mediracer® NCS solution comprises of a handheld NCS device, disposal electrodes, sensory and/or motor cables, charger and analysis software for PC. Mediracer turnkey solution provides optional remote interpretation service by clinical neurophysiologist, or a platform for interpretation by a local doctor.
Mediracer® NCS is a certified class IIa medical device in Europe (CE), U.S. (FDA), Japan (PMDA), Korea (KFDA) and Australia (TGA).
About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
In CTS, the median nerve is compressed at the carpal tunnel. Prevalence of CTS is from 3 to 5% in a general population, with appr. 15% of population being symptomatic³. CTS, together with the Ulnar Nerve entrapment at the Elbow (UNE) comprise about 80% of all upper limb nerve entrapments.

- Pressure, jitter,
repetitive movements - Pregnancy
- Trauma
- Obesity and hereditary factors
- Clinical
- Mapping of symptoms
- Nerve conduction study
- Conservative treatment
- Night splint
- Physiotherapy
- Injection treatment
- Surgery
- Numbness of fingers
- Loss of pinch strength
- Loss of manual dexterity
- Pain
1. Tolonen U et al. A handheld nerve conduction measuring device in carpal tunnel syndrome. Acta Neurol Scand. 2007 Jun; 115 (6) : 390–7.
2. Uncini, A. 1989. Ring finger testing in carpal tunnel syndrome: A comperative study of diagnostic utility. Muscle Nerve. Sep:12 (9) : 735-41.
3. Atroshi l et al. Prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome in a general population. JAMA 1999; 282 (2) : 153–8.
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