Fast and easy monitoring
The Mediracer® NCS is intended to measure sensory nerve conduction from peripheral nerves for objective assessment of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Compact sized device is extremely user friendly for frequent monitoring during the chemotherapy treatment.
Easy monitoring of
Peripheral Neuropathy

The diagnostic method is reliable and objective when detecting peripheral neuropathies. Examination will only take minutes for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy that afflicts large number of patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Mediracer® NCS is a certified class IIa medical device in Europe (CE), U.S. (FDA), Japan (PMDA), Korea (KFDA) and Australia (TGA).
Mediracer® NCS
Handheld Mediracer® NCS is reliable, fast and cost-efficient diagnostic tool for measuring sensory and motor nerve conduction. Mediracer® NCS requires only a short training to operate, and user-friendly analysis software makes the examination process straightforward. The handset is easy to use and the preconfigured disposable surface electrodes ensure easy and correct attachment.
Order Mediracer® NCS Brochure
Assessment solution for CIPN
Mediracer® NCS solution comprises of a handheld NCS device, disposal electrodes, sensory and/or motor cables, charger and analysis software for PC. Mediracer turnkey solution provides optional remote interpretation service by clinical neurophysiologist, or a platform for interpretation by a local doctor.

+358 45 899 2626
Kasarmintie 13, 90130 Oulu Finland